Pontiac Spur Trail
I turn to nature as the focal point of a daily ritual: a walk and a meditative painting to clear my thoughts. I work on a small scale and within a self-imposed time limit to encourage freedom, experimentation, and a refuge where results aren’t beholden to expectations.

I base these paintings on places observed during my treks but allow them to become transformed by the fleeting “laws” of that ritual space, so that each painting encapsulates a moment that is unique to that time and place.

Every day I go for a short walk to empty my mind. These walks — which sometimes include a segment of a wooded trail — connect me to what’s happening outside my window. The emergence of flower, the air washed with sweet fragrance, the sound of birds and insects that shift with the weather patterns. I record these moments and try to capture them in water-based media in a daily sketch.

The rules to this exercise are simple:

  • the canvas must be small 
  • the exercise must not exceed 1 hour
  • the imagery itself is time-sensitive. If working from
    a photo, the image must have been taken
    • within 3 days (Spring)
    • within 1 week (Summer and Fall)
    • within 1 month (Winter)

The purpose of the frequency and small paper size is to decrease the feeling of preciousness in the painting, to encourage freedom and creativity in the execution, and to promote continuity in my day-to-day approach to art.

©Josh Wood.Rhode Island, USA.